
Andre Mayer Kontakt Informationen


DJ für Ihr Event:
Firmenfeiern / Geburtstage / Hochzeiten / Polterei / Maturabälle / Feste / Bar / Club / …

DJ & Audion Production Trainer



Andreas Mayrhofer was born in April 1989 in Linz, Austria. He grew up outside Linz with a younger brother and a younger sister. At a young age he was fascinated by his grandfather playing guitar. Then he learned two different wind instruments in the music school and played in a music group. When his parents bought the first computer, he began to be interested in technology. At the same time, he began to play with prefabricated samples. At the age of 14 he decided to produce music himself.

Activities as DJ:

With a few plates from the scrap yard and the records of his mother, Andreas started the first attempts as a DJ at the age of 15 years. At the age of 16, he began to turn the plates on friends' birthday parties. At the age of 17, he was once allowed to do the Warmup program in the night shift deluxe and arranged with his brother three times a small local festival, which was visited by up to 100 friends. As a guest DJ he performed at the "Hangover" festival with over 1000 people, for which he even wrote his first intro. In 2011 he was booked for a high school graduation.

Activities as Producer:

Since the age of 15 he has produced his own music. After he had worked his way through various genres and achieved some success on myownmusic, he sought professional help in 2014 to gain more know-how in producing and mixing & mastering (on software basis). A short time later, he found the academy djsound Austria.

With his friend DJ Mike Knoxville he started a project called "Nicht ganz dicht" in 2017 and produced the Austrian party track "BLED" in his studio. In the same year, he released his first single "Be You" as Andre Mayer.

After he also recorded some DJ podcasts in his studio, Andreas now tries to make promotions and commercials.

Adresse: Birkenweg 1, 4063 Hörsching, Oberosterreich, Austria
Telefonnummer: 06641009566
Stadt: Hörsching
Postleitzahl: 4063

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