
Bahnhof Hopfgarten Kontakt Informationen

Bahnhof Hopfgarten
Adresse: Bahnhofstraße 25, 6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental, Österreich
Telefonnummer: 51717
Stadt: Kitzbühel
Postleitzahl: 6361

ähnliche suchanfragen: bahnhof wörgl fahrplan, öbb fahrplan, hopfgarten im brixental, zugverbindung hopfgarten wörgl, zug hopfgarten kitzbühel, hopfgarten nach kitzbühel
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Nichts besonderes. Sehr positiv ist aber das die Wartehalle im Winter beheizt ist
vor 8 jahren (13-02-2018)
Ja die Metropole im brixental
vor 8 jahren (07-09-2017)
Liegt zentral an der Hauptstraße
vor 8 jahren (10-09-2017)
Ein alter Bahnhof.
vor 10 jahren (29-04-2016)
Between 8 April 1945 and 4 May 1945, this station was the holding place of "The Gold Train", 46 wagons full of valuables like gold, silver, jewellery, paintings, tapestries etc, property formerly owned by Hungarian Jews who had been "resettled" elsewhere. It seems that the presence of the train was not a well kept secret as various groups and individuals attempted to take some or all of the property into "safekeeping" in readiness for the final victory and it's return to the legal owner, the State and government of Hungary. On 3 May 1945 a renegade group of SS soldiers took up positions on the surrounding slopes and prepared to assault the train and it's Hungarian civilian passengers. The SS men were however fairly easily bought off with rum, clothing and 500 watches. .Next day, the Kitzbuhel authorities decided that the presence of the train was an embarrassment, what with the Americans just a few miles away, so they provided a locomotive to pull the wagons and carriages out of Hopfgarten, thus ridding themselves of any future allegations of complicity in war crimes.
vor 9 jahren (24-07-2016)
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