
BrandSashka Kontakt Informationen



Brand Philosopher|Leadership Coach for SME's|Strategist|Author|Speaker


You know what it takes to build up a business from nothing. Tenacity, hard work, sacrifices, long hours and sleepless nights.

You also know, that you want all this hard work to pay off in the long run. That's why you're ready to upgrade to the next level of excellency.

The level of Titans.

You desire to be recognized as a leader in your industry. And for this, you need an unforgettable brand that supports your credibility.

At BrandSashka my mission is to ensure that you stop playing small and that your business is upgraded to the next level of excellency. My step-by-step framework has helped thousands of businesses create an unforgettable brand; not just pretty logos and websites, but a brand of substance and longevity. Choose from these customized and highly effective packages:

Who is this for? If you're wanting to tweak a few branding elements on your online presentation. Or you're finding it time consuming planning what elements should go where. Perhaps you’re questioning your “creativity”? Or you're looking for coaching on what to plan for, when setting up a website and logo pitch with a creative agency. Then this coaching is for you.

What's included?

7 days email support & free voice & sms messaging app

1 hour coaching session incl. Skype recording & session notes

Pre- and follow-up assignments

Bonus: A comprehensive creative brief for your creative agency

Who is this for? Whether you’re a startup or an established business, this program is the full monty! Branding, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing, Advertising, Business and Time Management, Website and Logo Development, Content Marketing and Creative Idea-Factory Brainstorming. This program is for businesses who WANT to succeed and who WANT to grow their business.

What's included?

6 week live online group program

Includes all VoiP recordings and session notes

6 week email support and real-time voice and messaging app

Weekly assignments (should take 1-2 hours)

Creative brainstorming

Logo and website coaching

Social media and content marketing planning

Consumer Psychology integration into your branding strategy

"You are the focus of BrandSashka. To be exact, your Soul. No Brand ever created relied solely on their product and/or service but on their soul purpose.With over 35+ years in Brand Marketing Advertising Consumer Behaviour and Psychology, Leadership, On-and offline Marketing, you can be rest assured that building your brand from the inside-out is individual and unique as you are.Join BrandSashka on Social Media with free trainings and direct contact. Hop on over to the Podcast and listen to the No Name Brand Podcast with Creative Visionaries who are moving and shaking their industry by being the change they want to see in the world.Author of the book Soul'd Out: Your Guide To Finding Your Life Purpose and Founder of Brand Your Soul®"

"You are the focus of BrandSashka. To be exact, your Soul. No Brand ever created relied solely on their product and/or service but on their soul purpose.With over 35+ years in Brand Marketing Advertising Consumer Behaviour and Psychology, Leadership, On-and offline Marketing, you can be rest assured that building your brand from the inside-out is individual and unique as you are.Join BrandSashka on Social Media with free trainings and direct contact. Hop on over to the Podcast and listen to the No Name Brand Podcast with Creative Visionaries who are moving and shaking their industry by being the change they want to see in the world.Author of the book Soul'd Out: Your Guide To Finding Your Life Purpose and Founder of Brand Your Soul®"
Adresse: 6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental
Telefonnummer: +43 699 171 989 77
Stadt: Hopfgarten im Brixental
Postleitzahl: 6361

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