Firma Bearbeiten | WMS Nöbauer
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Info WMS Noebauer offers general repairs, retrofitting and renovation of all types and brands of machine tools, regardless of the age and conditions Geschichte Among others, our machine tool services include the following: Repairs: The main focus of WMS Noebauer concerns repairs of machine tools. As such, we particularly specialize on tool grinding machines, surface grinding machines and milling machines. Where in the case of tool grinding machines, those manufactured by the Walter Maschinenbau belong to our prime areas of application, such as: Heli35 Heli50 GC6 GC8 Heli55 Heli45 Classic Power Power Production Power Regrinder Mini Power Vision With respect to milling machines, the main focus of WMS Noebauer concerns the machines manufactured by Maho and especially those types from the MH series. We are additionally specialized on machines manufactured by BMC, as well as the VMX series machines from Hurco. For surface grinders, we mainly care for those manufactured by ELB-Schliff and G+H: Servicing, replacement and repair of various machine guidance systems and drive components. Retrofit / Overhaul: in this respect WMS Noebauer offers many possibilities from a simple overhaul at the customer site, or the repair of all axes, up to a complete rebuild of a machine, including all customer specific requirements and additional options. Examples cover such items as a simple special repainting or even the addition of a loading robot with an additional conversion to include a grinding wheel changer etc. Spare Parts Service: WMS Noebauer delivers spare parts necessary for continued operation of the machine tools in a fast and reliable way. Depending on the customer’s particular wishes, we can supply either original parts or special custom-made versions. This means that for instance, instead of fitting the original ball guides spare parts, roller guides can be utilized instead as a special modification, thus making a machine stiffer. Customer satisfaction is always the top priority for WMS Noebauer. Training: WMS Noebauer provides intensive training for their customers concerning all changes and updates made to their machine tools, whether this involves the software or a new control system etc. Such trainings guarantee that our customers can fully utilize and make the best possible use of all options provided by their overhauled machine tools. WMS Noebauer guarantees this!"Die Firma WMS Nöbauer bietet Generalüberholungen, Retrofit und Umbauten aller Maschinentypen und Hersteller an. Unabhängig vom Alter und vom Zustand der Maschine.Im Gegesatz zu seinen Mitbewerbern bietet WMS Nöbauer sämtliche Leistungen auch weltweit vor Ort an. Dadurch lassen sich Versand- und Versicherungskosten einsparen. Die teuren Standzeiten der Maschinen werden erheblich verkürzt.""Die Firma WMS Nöbauer bietet Generalüberholungen, Retrofit und Umbauten aller Maschinentypen und Hersteller an. Unabhängig vom Alter und vom Zustand der Maschine.Im Gegesatz zu seinen Mitbewerbern bietet WMS Nöbauer sämtliche Leistungen auch weltweit vor Ort an. Dadurch lassen sich Versand- und Versicherungskosten einsparen. Die teuren Standzeiten der Maschinen werden erheblich verkürzt."
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