Firma Bearbeiten | Abbey of Kremsmuenster
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Geschichte Kremsmünster Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in Kremsmünster in Upper Austria.HistoryThe monastery was founded in 777 by Tassilo III, Duke of Bavaria. According to the foundation legend, Tassilo founded the monastery on the site where his son, Gunther, had been attacked and killed by a wild boar during a hunting trip.The first colony of monks came from Lower Bavaria, under Fateric, the first abbot. The new foundation received generous endowments from the founder and also from Charlemagne and his successors.The position and reputation of the abbey soon became such that its abbots, in the absence of the bishop of the diocese (Passau), exercised the episcopal jurisdiction.In the 10th century the abbey was destroyed in a raid by the Hungarians, and its possessions were divided among the Duke of Bavaria and other nobles and the bishops. It was restored, however, and recovered its property, under the emperor Henry II, when Saint Gotthard became abbot.Kremsmünster, in common with other religious houses, then fell into a decline, which was fortunately halted by the action of bishop Altmann of Passau, who brought a community from Gottesau, and introduced the reformed observance of Cluny into the abbey. After this it became known as one of the most flourishing houses in Germany, "excelling all other abbeys" says an anonymous chronicler, "in observance and piety, also in respect to its lands, buildings, books, paintings, and other possessions, and in the number of its members prominent in learning and in art"."HINWEIS: Die Öffnungszeiten sind Montag bis Freitag 10.00 bis 16.30 Uhr.Sa Stiftsführungen bei Anmeldung möglich.Dies Tor soll jedem offen stehn, der ehrbar will durch selbes gehen!“ Dieser Gruß auf dem Eingangstor des Stiftes ist Ausdruck der benediktinischen Gastfreundschaft. Seit der Gründung durch Bayernherzog Tassilo III. im Jahr 777 ist das Kloster Begegnungsstätte vieler Menschen. Kremsmünster ist ein Kloster mit 49 Mönchen, die in Pfarren, in ihrer Schule, in ihren Wirtschaftsbetrieben oder in anderen seelsorglichen Feldern wirken. Lernen sie das Kloster als geistliches Zentrum kennen! Das Stift Kremsmünster ist auch eine pädagogische Institution, eine Forschungsstätte, ein Wirtschaftskörper, ein Museum und beliebtes Ausflugsziel."
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