
Enercret - Schlüsselfertige Heiz- und Kühlsysteme mit Geothermie Kontakt Informationen

Enercret - Schlüsselfertige Heiz- und Kühlsysteme mit Geothermie


Schlüsselfertige Lösungen für große Heiz- und Kühlsysteme: Beratung, Planung (BIM kompatibel), Simulation, Montage, Thermal Response Tests (TRT)


Enercret is fully privat Austrian company founded more than 30 years ago with a subsidiary company in China.
We are the worlds leading advisors and suppliers for shallow geothermal and geosolar heating and cooling systems. Enercret installed and finished almost 1000 projects world wide. In 2011 we handed over the worlds largest geothermal installation with 6 MW of heating and cooling power, the WUXI Financial Tower in China. In 2013 we will finish the even bigger YANZHOU Hospital in China.
Our systems use shallow geothermal energy stored in the ground (20 to 50 meters) as well as solarthermal panels in combination with heat pumps to heat buildings during the winter and also to cool buildings throughout the summer.
Our latest innovation is a system to cool large buildings in tropical climate zones with a combination of shallow geothermal energy and air heat pumps which allows to cool large objects with a fraction of the costs and zero CO2 emission.
Enercret provides all in solutions as well as consulting, design, simulation and construction of shallow geosolar systems worldwide.

"Schlüsselfertige Geothermie Anlagen"
Adresse: Bundesstrasse 20, 6832 Röthis, Vorarlberg, Austria
Telefonnummer: +43/5522/21527-0
Stadt: Röthis
Postleitzahl: 6832

ähnliche suchanfragen: ENERCRET Geothermie, Enercret ltd, Erdwärme für Industriehallen, Energiepfähle Hersteller, Geothermie Industrie, geoKOAX Erfahrung, Enercret Jobs
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