
Jerzy Bin Photography Kontakt Informationen

Jerzy Bin Photography


Jerzy Bin Photography specialises in Landscapes, Corporate, Concerts photography


I love two extremes of my photography - from one side silent, deserted, monumental landscapes, buildings, ruins, mainly when most of us are still in beds, and then in the opposite corner I want to be part of a big show on stage, off stage, behind stage, following performing musicians, and artists. Well, opposites attract each other.

Looking through the camera I am trying to capture all possible emotions. Taking pictures of musicians on stage is one thing, and then come times when I photograph children, in both cases I am looking for real, natural feelings... but the road to get there is completely different.
I go with the flow and what I feel is right, and that applies to all I do.

Telefonnummer: +43 (0)6642286188
Stadt: Neusiedl am See

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