
Moreno Museum Association Kontakt Informationen

Moreno Museum Association


International Centre of theory, research and experimentation on the branches of Sociatria and Psychodrama


In the spring of 2014 the time was mature enough to allow the laying of the first stone - lapis fundamentum angularis - for the virtual home of J.L. Moreno, and give birth, on April 24 2014 in Vienna, to the Moreno Museum Association. You have also been informed that, in secret symmetry to the foundation, there is the chance to finally give shape to the common dream of returning at the end of an almost centenarian trip to Wunderdoktor, a place, his home, his Maithal.

But what apparently may sound a poetic complement of a restitution dictated by affection and devotion to Jacob Levy Moreno, betrays an even more ambitious project, governed by the idea that the house in Bad Vöslau, the Locus, can and must become, as in the words of Pierre Fontaine, "an interactive living museum".
A window on the years in Vienna, which saw Moreno committed as a poet, writer, editor and creator of the Theatre of Spontaneity. In addition a world document archive which may collect study contributions donated in the form of books, studies, documents, objects, memories of J.L. Moreno, as well as materials from scholars who came after him; with the idea to be shared by all the psychodramatists along the world. A library and international centre of theory, research and experimentation on the branches of Sociatria and Psychodrama in all its forms and languages, as well as a permanent centre of education and culture, open to conferences, congresses, symposia, workshops, open sessions and to all suggestions hatched by the magic of the encounter.

Stadt: Baden

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