Die Österreichische Rettungshundebrigade ist eine private Einsatzorganisation, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, mit Hilfe von Suchhunden / Rettungshunden unentgeltlich und unverzüglich vermisste Personen zu suchen.
ÖRHB - Austrian Search and Rescue Dog Brigade was founded in Vienna in 1966.
Made up of about 712 volunteers, ÖRHB ranks as one of Austria's largest volunteer emergency response organization.
ÖRHB is dedicated to the search of trapped, injured, missing or lost persons and to render on site first aid assistance. Specially trained teams of dogs and handlers are part of the international SAR unit.
All members of the ÖRHB are volunteers, dedicated to save lives 24 hours a day, at no cost to requesting organizations, private persons or the communities they serve. ÖRHB is a nation wide organization subdivided into 9 provincial regions. About 50 well trained teams of dogs and handlers are available within the province-wide organization of Upper Austria
It takes about 2 years for a team (dog and handler) to be trained and certified. Costs and expenses associated with the training are shouldered by the handler.
Our homepage is intended to introduce you to the work of our organization and to provide all sorts of topics related to the training of search dogs. We do hope you will enjoy visiting our site.
Austrian wide emergeny phone number: 012 88 98 available 24 hours a day.
hinzufügen eines ÖRHB Österreichische Rettungshundebrigade Landesgruppe Oberösterreich-stadtplans zu ihrer webseite;
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