
Rajgarh (Sadulpur) Rajasthan Kontakt Informationen

Rajgarh (Sadulpur) Rajasthan




Location: Sadulpur (Rajgarh राजगढ़) is a Tehsil in Churu district in Rajasthan. It is located at 26.3° N 74.62° E. It has an average elevation of 479 metres (1571 feet). Sadulpur is also known as Rajgarh. Now Sadulpur is connected by broad gage railway line to Delhi and Churu.

As of 2001 India census India, Rajgarh had a population of 48,057. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Rajgarh has an average literacy rate of 75%, higher than the national average of 65%.
Famous Person:
Sadulpur is a town in Churu district of Rajasthan is the birth place of steel king Lakshmi Mittal and Bimal Jalan of the Reserve Bank of India and Prahlad Rai Sharma of the Birla Group . Sadulpur is facing a lot of infrastructural problems and is growing at a rapid pace .there are other well placed business families from this town who have been and are very successful businessmen in other states of India.

Adresse: Columbusgasse 36/ 3-4, 1100 Vienne
Stadt: Vienna
Postleitzahl: 1100

Kommentar zu diesem Ort

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