
Scheibosan Kontakt Informationen



DJ | Producer | Social Media Promotion | ManyMusicStylesLover


DJ | Producer | Social Media Promotion | ManyMusicStylesLover | www.scheibosan.at | contact & booking: [email protected]

Since the 80s around in the music biz at various parties, festivals & guest at radioshows in Austria, Germany and around the world | Producing with Shanti Roots & other artists | Rating & charting music for various labels & promo companys | Organizing, consulting and booking for events and partys | Social Media Advertisment & Creative Content Creation

"DJ Producer ManyMusicStylesLover Social Media Marketingcontact & booking: [email protected] since the 80s all over the world Radioshows Producing with Shanti Roots & other artists Rating & charting music for various labels & promo companys Organizing, consulting and booking for events and partys Social Media Marketing"
Adresse: Scholaugasse 14, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf
Stadt: Perchtoldsdorf
Postleitzahl: 2380

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