
Taiga4 - Canine Conditioning Kontakt Informationen

Taiga4 - Canine Conditioning


TAIGA4 CC - high quality conditioning and disposal of detection dogs for a several range of use.


The primary goal is the professional conditioning of suitable dogs to enable them to detect and indicate various substances (e.g. active agents of drugs, explosives, fire accelerants, but also animals and plants, and other more) as well as the theoretical and practical training of dog handlers with respect to compliance with existing standards. In particular the certification according to international police and military standards, for example by the CSC of the University of Padova.

Extensive support for dogs and humans.
Independent harmonized on there challenge.
Quality not quantity.

For detailed information do not hesitate to contact us directly. Also use our e- mail:
[email protected]

Adresse: 2442 Ebreichsdorf
Stadt: Ebreichsdorf
Postleitzahl: 2442

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