
TLI Pedagogics Upgrades Education Kontakt Informationen

TLI Pedagogics Upgrades Education


TLI Pedagogics is a development sensitive pedagogic that Upgrades Education. TLI Pedagogics is the key for a 21st century Upgrade!

"TLI Pedagogics Association is a not for profit association located in Europe, Austria, Vienna to support the spreading of the TLI Pedagogics and the spreading of modern and innovative education.TLI Pedagogics is innovative and most modern in its approach. It is one of the most advanced systems for education of the 21st century.The TLI Network of Organizations offers Teachers Training Programs for individuals as well as existing institutions, Franchise for TLI Pedagogics school for children age 1 till 12, TLI Parenting Workshops and Upgrade training for every person interested in educational work.Many books by the founder Marion E. Hopfgartner are available on Amazon or may be purchased directly at our office."
Adresse: Neue-Welt-Gasse 8/2/1, 1130 Vienne
Stadt: Vienna
Postleitzahl: 1130

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