
EHF CAN Kontakt Informationen


European Handball Federation Competence Academy & Network


The European Handball Federation (EHF) is the governing body of Handball in Europe! Its 50 Member Federations represent and stand for 50 different kinds of national and international handball know-how. Those individual national handball schools/philosophies shall be made use of by involving experts in order to contribute to the variety of handball education in Europe!

Handball know-how exchange and transfer in Europe shall be fostered as an EHF service for the EHF Member Federations by making use of national and international handball experts as well as external lecturers from sport science, medicine, other sports, economy (marketing, equipment suppliers) and media (press, TV, Internet).

The EHF Competence Academy & Network (EHF CAN) shall be established as an
educational service centre for EHF Member Federations with the possibility of granting scholarships in order to minimize or delete financial burdens for them. The same holds good for internal EHF Office management training on the job.

The EHF “CAN” shall be established to develop and deliver sport specific educational and training programmes in order to ensure that coaches, officials, athletes and administrators from all over Europe (and the world) have access to the highest quality education relating to “handball know-how“ and competence in e-learning, blended learning, interdisciplinary educational courses of various duration, summer schools or mainstream 2-4 semester courses within the European Education Credit Transfer System (ECTS framework).

The EHF “CAN” shall set-up Business Executive Education programmes for further
educating and training sporting administrators, resort managers and event executives in the Handball Event Management Business, e.g. also in event-related courses. The EHF “CAN” shall contain a documentation centre including production of modern teaching aids and media as well as cooperation agreements with research & developing partners, suppliers, universities and testifying institutions.

The evolution of the EHF CAN dates back to 2005,beginning with a comprehensive concept presented to the Executive Committee. In 2008, the educational division was fully absorbed in to the structure of the European Handball Federation. Now in its fourth successful year, EHF CAN continues to work in close cooperation with internal technical divisions and external pertners which include 36 European universities, 35 lecturers, more than 10 equipment and know-how partner and other various sport establishments. Helmut Höritsch leads the Competence Academy & Network.

EHF CAN website services will be regularly updated on activities.eurohandball.com
with regard to news, publications, e-books and educational
course information/documentation!

Adresse: Hoffingergasse 18, 1120 Vienne
Telefonnummer: +43180151124
Stadt: Vienna
Postleitzahl: 1120

ähnliche suchanfragen: EHF activities, EHF News, Rinck Convention Handball
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