
Flattach Kontakt Informationen


Flattach is a municipality in Spittal an der Drau District in the Austrian state of Carinthia.GeographyIt is located in the valley of the Möll, a left tributary to the Drava, between the Goldberg and the Kreuzeck groups of the Hohe Tauern mountain range. Flattach mainly depends on tourism, offering the nearby Mölltal Glacier ski area located on the Schareck and the Wurtenkees glacier and the Raggaschlucht, a narrow gorge within the southern Kreuzeck range with walls up to 200 m (650 ft) high and wooden walkways above the water. It is also the site of a group of hydroelectric power stations collecting water from several reservoirs in the northern Ankogel mountains with an installed capacity of 474 MW.It can be reached via the B106 Mölltal Straße highway running from Lurnfeld in the Drava valley toward Winklern and the Grossglockner High Alpine Road. An old mule track over the Fragrant Tauern mountain pass in the north connects it with Rauris in the neighouring state of Salzburg.

Adresse: 9831 Flattach
Stadt: Flattach
Postleitzahl: 9831

ähnliche suchanfragen: flattach mölltal, flattach hotel, flattach veranstaltungen, flattach wetter, flattach raggaschlucht, flattach skigebiet, flattach gemeinde, tourismusbüro flattach
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Flattach stadt

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