
Vienna Konservatorium Kontakt Informationen

Adresse: Stiegergasse 15-17, 1150 Wien, Österreich
Telefonnummer: 01 9858112
Stadt: Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
Postleitzahl: 1150

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vor 8 jahren (15-09-2017)
super😀 privat universität für vienna konservatorium
vor 8 jahren (25-09-2017)
Attention to the students who want to enter / prepare for the Vienna Prayner Music and Dramatic Arts Conservatory; don't do it! First of all, hello, my name is Doruk. Umran Baradan Anatolian Fine Arts High School Music Department 2014 graduated. Me and my friends went to Vienna with big dreams and promises of Herr Umut AKAR who is the director of the school. Since we started school, we've had things to try out incredibly ridiculous and traumatic. When they came to Izmir to test exams, there was a gap between what they said and what we lived in school. The school fees they said were very different from what we had when we went there. We went into the Classical Music section exam (at least they were said to us) but when we started the school, he said that ( AKAR ) we have to take Jazz and World Music lessons. And for the World Music lesson - you can also see on the web page - you need to pay an extra fee. He told us that we had to take this lesson. And when we asked why we can't get Classical Music lessons, we were threatened with being kicked out of school. Then my family came to Vienna and interviewed Umut AKAR. The same threat has been done to them. We were in grade 1 but our instrument training was 40 min/per week. The most traumatic aspect of the job is, In order to start a university in Austria, you must present your German qualification with a certificate / document. If you can not, the school that you are studying will send you to courses that are from the outside, National or even International. When we started to study, Umut AKAR said that the German course would be given in the school, not outside. We were very happy with this situation. The courses were six week per level. The price was normal for us. At the beginning of the lessons, we learned that our teacher is a Turkish bağlama teacher at the school ( bağlama is a Turkish ensturment ). It is not exactly what I despise, but when we look at the money that we paid and the education we receive, we have to ask for it. Because we found academic courses in a half-price from the course that we took. When we said that we wanted to take courses from the outside, Umut AKAR did not allow us, threatened to throw it out of the school again and we were banned of racism alongside it.  In short, friends, I wrote this who seen the system of that "Konservatorium" ( not sure about that a real conservatory or not...). I can prove these with my school card, the bills of the fees we pay, and a "must have" academiz program which I personally get from the secretary of the school. These are just some of the things that I can express. The rest is up to you. Think again about your financial situation and most importantly your time. Because you will lose quite a lot of time because of the visa problems (up to 1 year long) arising from the status of the school. Stay away from that school, becacuse it's not about Herr Akar or another person, it's about the system. All of the directors know each other. Respects.
vor 9 jahren (23-01-2017)
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